What can make the difference?
How to beat weight gain in peri-menopause

Do You Feel Time Starved?
Do you ever feeling anxious or frustrated that you don’t have enough time?
Are you looking for some ways to get more done in less time?
Check out the scientifically proven tips to achieve peak levels of productivity and get more done in less time.

Tips to Setting Healthy Goals so You Can Be at Your Best
Achieving a goal can be very challenging, especially when it comes to health and fitness. Setting the goal is the easy part, following through with accomplishing the goal is the hard part. While it is hard, it is possible. Applying certain strategies will make goal setting more efficient and lead to accomplishing your goals.

Goodbye New Year Resolutions, Hello Easy Habits
Most often New Year resolutions are set with the best intentions. It’s a chance to choose what you want to work towards, like an intention or a goal.
So, if you are looking to add new healthier habit into your daily routine, what would be the easiest way to make the change? BJ Fogg of Stanford University developed a model called the Tiny Habits method. It’s creating new habits that stick which then can lead to successful goals and resolutions.

Vision Boards Can Propel Your Success
Creating a vision board is a way to find inspiration, identify and shape your dreams, and to keep you focused and motivated. It is not a guarantee of specific outcomes, but an effective way to channel your efforts towards long-term goals.

Mindfulness, body image and weight loss…How are they all connected?
In the constantly changing world we live in we are being bombarded with all kinds of stimuli; e-mails, social media and texts to name a few. The result of some of these new societal pressures is that they have cause us to tune ourselves out to our bodies, thoughts and feelings. Mindfulness practices are away to get back to your inner self. A positive body image is an understanding that there is a sense of self-worth that does not depend on your appearance. Developing a mindful practice and positive body image has shown to help increase motivation and weight loss results.
Read the full blog article to get 3 easy tips on how to get more mindful.