Do You Feel Time Starved?
Do you ever feeling anxious or frustrated that you don’t have enough time?
Do you wrestle with trying to get more done in less time? You are far from alone. There is a Microsoft study that revealed most people are unproductive at work for about 17 hours per week out of an average 45 hour work week.
Over the course of the year, that's over one month (36.8 days) of time being non-productive at the office. Wow.
So, how do you find a way out? Is there a way to achieve peak levels of productivity?
Here’s Five Tips Based by Science on How to Get More Done in Less Time.
1. Work according to your internal clock
Our bodies have their natural rhythms which we can harness to increase productivity. There are some people are more energized to work in the mornings while others work better at night. Recognizing and working within your natural rhythm helps you get more stuff crossed off your list. You can pack more into each day if you did everything at the right time, when your energy is at its peak.
2. Sleep well and make sure you get enough
As we know our cultural holds the picture of the big-shot executive or the young startup founder who pulls 'all-nighters' and never seems to stop working.
But, Professor Ian Oswald, who is best-known as "the founding father" of sleep research in the UK, and his colleagues noted that sleep gives the body a chance to rest and repair itself before the grind of another day.
It also improves brain function by replacing neurotransmitters in the nervous system. The National Sleep Foundation recommends that adults sleep between 7-9 hours each day. So get your rest.
3. Take breaks during work
Have you ever felt guilty about taking breaks when you've got so much to do? Well, feel guilty no more as it's been scientifically-proven that it helps you get more done in less time. Hooray!
It turns out that working longer hours is not make you more efficient, but working smarter is!
Productivity is about excelling at the tasks that generate the most value and not about doing the most number of tasks.
Like any other muscle in the body, the brain tires from repeated stress. It can only focus for 90 to 120 minutes at a time.
Tony Schwartz is the president and CEO of The Energy Project. He is also the author of Be Excellent at Anything. He is a big believer of the 90-minute work cycle.
4. Listen to music
I'm sure you're wondering how music can help get more things done. I mean, isn't it distracting? Well, it's been scientifically proven that listening to music boosts output, so crank it up. One reason why is that music can enhance your mood.
5. Go get an office plant
I know what you're thinking ... this is now starting to get out of control. But, as they say, it's backed by science.
Research by Dr. Chris Knight from Exeter University and his fellow researchers discovered that the use of houseplants enriches the quality of life of workers and made them 15 percent more productive. Who would think?
So, there you go -- five proven techniques for getting more done in less time.